Thursday, March 19, 2009

Honoring Saint Joseph

The husband of Mary and the guardian of Jesus was a quiet man even mysterious. But he was nevertheless a “silent witness” during the life of Jesus of Nazareth. Joseph lived his life as a carpenter. Betrothed to Mary until he learned she was with child. Wanting to quietly divorce himself from her he was convinced in a dream to trust in God and go forward with marriage plans. He then cared for Mary as a loving husband and supported her and the child Jesus. At the age of twelve when Jesus was temporarily 'lost' in the Temple one can only imagine the anxiety and fear Joseph must have felt.

There is so little known about the life of this man of faith. During the three years of Jesus’s public life we hear nothing of Joseph. Was he deceased? If not then why wasn’t he at the foot of the cross with his wife Mary, Mary of Magdala and the apostle John? Maybe he was and it just wasn’t recorded. I find myself wondering about some of these things today.

Joseph did live his life in the background. From what we know he was a simple, humble and faithful man. There is an order of nuns in Boston named for St. Joseph. I was fortunate enough to be taught by them for most of my academic life and then to actually teach as one of them for several years. Today, March 19th, is the feast day of Saint Joseph and so I honor him and ponder how remarkable his life must have been. Peace…

Image of the Holy Family is by Raphael (1406).

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