Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Meeting Up With Mick Fleetwood

It has been a week now since I had the good fortune to attend another memorable concert by my favorite band, Fleetwood Mac. This article will be about the exciting events leading up to that amazing show.

It all began when I got a telephone call from my friend, Torri, saying she had bid for charity on a ticket package for a Fleetwood Mac concert. Much to her surprise she won with her bid and in addition to seats 3rd row center a Meet and Greet with Mick Fleetwood was included. Mick is the long time and original drummer with Fleetwood Mac going back to when it was a blues band in the UK in the late 60’s. As a long time fan and ‘groupie’ who has seen Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks in concert well over a hundred times I was thrilled when Torri asked me to be her guest. I really didn’t know what to expect and was delighted with the experience.

We arrived in Manchester, NH at the Verizon Wireless Center on June 16, 2009 with instructions to be there an hour before the gates opened to the public. There we were greeted by Cory (not Lindsey’s niece, also on the tour) who gave us our tickets, a promo photo of Mick and a really neat laminated All Access Pass. We proceeded to the stage and it was fun to be there looking out at the empty arena. Cory told us how they had to remove Stevie’s microphone from the Meet and Greet because fans were touching the ribbons and beads on her mic and throwing the electronics off. Cory told us Mick loves to talk and to ask him anything as she and the others working on the tour love juicy tidbits.

Mick entered from the side of the stage and is he ever, at 6’ 5” tall, larger than life. He has a pleasant, calm demeanor unlike his manic antics on stage. He was dressed like a British nobleman with a magnificent scarf, a beautiful suit, and a fashionable cap. He had on his traditional slippers only purple. I asked him where the trademark red ones were and he said he’d have them for the show.

Each group had a photo taken with Mick in front of his drum kit. We also had the opportunity to get an autograph. Mick graciously signed both the promo photo and the All Access Pass. One woman expressed disappointment that her husband couldn’t make it as he is a drummer and a big fan of Mick’s. Well didn’t Mick talk to him on the cell phone after his wife called him - so kind of Mick. When Torri and I had our photo op Mick asked us if we were Manchesterites. Torri is from VA and I’m from Boston. Mick commented that Boston was close-by. Another couple who vacation every year in Maui asked Mick , who has a home there, for restaurant recommendations and he had several for them. When the next couple had their time with Mick the woman said, “Are you going to sign it(his photo)thanks for last night" Mick said, “Ooh, that sounds naughty. Do you want to get me in trouble?” It was all in good fun with Mick showing a quick wit.

During the question and answer part I asked Mick about the jewelry he was wearing and each piece had an interesting story. The moon shaped pendant with three stones was last year’s Christmas present from Stevie and another piece was made by a couple in Canterbury. Mick described them as characters and real alchemists. He stepped toward me to act out how if the jeweler didn’t like what you had chosen she’d look down and say, “No, I don’t think so.” I also asked how Christine McVie was doing. He said she is very happy living in her 11th century home in Kent which he described as stunning. Her brother lives close by. Mick saw Christine about eight months ago when he took his blues band to play in England. Chris came to the show and Mick said he didn’t ask her to play even though she is a blues pianist as he knew she was happily retired.

At one point Mick mused about how maybe the band stayed a little too long on the road this time as they tacked on two make-up shows in Canada. In this regard he was very complimentary to Stevie calling her a real ‘team player’ and saying, “Let’s face it she really doesn’t have to do this.” Mick was of course referring to the fact that Stevie has a hugely successful solo career but we all know she does love ‘her band’! The band will be doing more concerts in Europe and Australia starting in October. Mick even said that it looks like Fleetwood Mac will tour again next summer – fabulous.

Mick told a very interesting story about the band’s first fan when Fleetwood Mac was starting out as a blues band in England and a woman named Madge came to all their shows. Well I always wondered about the songs Fighting for Madge and Searching for Madge on the Then Play On album. Who was Madge? Well now I know – very cool! How wonderful that the band wrote songs for their biggest fan who sometimes hitchhiked 200 miles to get to a show.

After this fan story I told Mick how I had gone to London and Birmingham to see the band during the Say You Will Tour in 2003. He seemed a bit amazed at that and asked if I had business and happened to be in England. I said no that some of us just love to follow the band. As for me it was something I always hoped to do to hear the band play in their native UK. Thanks to my friend, Martin from Bristol, for helping to make it happen.

Torri said how this was her 15th show of the Unleashed Tour. Mick opined you must get bored with the same introductions and stories every night. Of course we don’t! Mick said there are nuances and that they don’t play ‘by the numbers’. He mentioned how a band like REM is incredible with how they change the set for each song and vary the songs concert to concert. Mick said that Fleetwood Mac could never do that as Lindsey is a perfectionist and he does most of the production work with input from the other members. Fleetwood Mac hopes to do another album but with an outside producer. They need an overseer as Lindsey has a family now and it would just take too long when you’re as obsessive as Lindsey is.

At the conclusion of the Meet and Greet Mick unexpectedly came right over to me and with a kiss and a hug thanked me for being such a supportive fan traveling to England and all. I certainly didn’t expect that kind of recognition and I thanked him again for the music. He was gracious to Torri as well and we both felt that it was a real treat and an absolute pleasure to have spent some time with Mick who could not have been more sincere.

Mick was very entertaining and generous with his time. He was clearly happy to share and to spend these moments with us. There was no sense of ‘going through the motions’ as you know he has done these Meet and Greets countless times. Mick is real artist, a magnificent drummer and the one largely responsible for being able to keep his band with the convoluted emotional history not only together but still loving each other, able to work through all the hurts and to survive all the romantic entanglements. Thank you, Mick for your unique insights and your kindness to the fans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! What a wonderful read! These meet and greets although expensive, sure sound like fun. Glad to hear that Australia is still somewhere down the road...and next year in North America!!

Thanks for the great story of you experience.